Hello! My name is Keith. Just a simple dude out of southern California, trying to bring a little bit of awesomeness into the world. I honestly just design things that I love, my crazy ideas (sometimes a bit too crazy), and sometimes I just need to get ideas out of my relentless brain. After my brothers from Pindabear (Andrew, and Adam <3) left CA for the city of Portland, it left me with a huge void for my creativity and connecting with you guys! I love creating, and connecting with you guys either online or in person at a show! I'm not sure where this company will take us, but excited to see where we go. I really appreciate all the support you guys have given to me, its super awesome to make things you guys truly love. I hope you guys dig what I have to offer up for y'all, and strap in for the ride... Thank you for taking the time to check out the site, I appreciate each and everyone of you!